Clean Energy

Our Agenda

In the last decade, our energy projects have impacted lives in varied communities and cities across Nigeria, ensuring that, households and offices are increasingly being powered up in a more sustainable manner, cutting back significantly on diesel OPEX spend as well as CO2 emissions from the use of fossil fuel powered generators.

Similarly, we have successfully energized multiple health care facilities, ensuring that Women's and children’s mortality rate continues to decline since they now have access to properly stored vaccines and critical drugs.

We have partnered with local farmers to improve agro production using renewable energy to power irrigation as well as poultries. We have installed solar streetlights in varied communities, which tackles the incidence of security and vulnerability especially for women and girls.

Our Goal

Beacon is aligned with the global clean energy agenda. Increasingly we are embracing new technologies, products, and opportunities that make for more reliable, affordable, and sustainable solutions, particularly for off-grid and grid-challenged communities.

We are passionate about energy models for rural communities such that they can access and afford clean drinking water and energy to power up their rural economies which will extend their productive hours and ultimately put more money in their pockets.

We have partnered with local farmers to improve agro production using renewable energy to power irrigation as well as poultries. We have installed solar streetlights in varied communities, which tackles the incidence of security and vulnerability especially for women and girls.


100kW Hybrid Solar Minigrid

Beacon Creative Solutions in collaboration with the Rural Electrification Agency, constructed a 100kW hybrid solar minigrid to boost agro production, alleviate poverty and boost food security in Eriwe community, Ijebu Ode. We constructed 350, 450w PV panels, zxxx lithium ion batteries, and installed a 100kva diesel generator as 350, 450w PV panels, zxxx lithium ion batteries, and 100kva 350, 450w PV panels, zxxx lithium ion batteries, and 100kva diesel generator as a back up diesel generator.

Get In Touch

15 Ahmadu A Ali crescent Utako Abuja

+234 803 342 4309

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